Creating Partitions : Before Creating, Managing, and Deleting Partitions you must close all files and folders. To create a partition after windows installation on your PC. This will be the case if you do not have a second hard disk or partition available that is not large enough for your files.

This is an easy operation to perform, there are a couple of steps you might want to perform first to free up slightly more space on your drive, using the Disk cleanup wizard to clean temporary and unwanted files, and then defragmenting your hard disk. Defragmenting the drive here also applies to SSDs, which you would not normally defragment.
To shrink the size of windows partition use Disk Management console. Right click on This pc icon on your Desktop after that, click on Manage.

When you click on Manage option below window will appear. Then click Disk Management option.

When Disk Management console appear right click your Windows drive, and from the menu select Shrink volume in below picture.

You will be ask how munch MB space want to shrink from Windows partition. When you decide how much space to shrink the drive, think about how much space you will need on your Windows partition. For general purpose 50GB is good choice, heavy users 100GB or 200GB and a gamer might want 300GB or more.
After the partition has been shrunk, right-click in the Unallocated space and select New simple volume from the options that appear.

This will give you a new partition on which you can store your files and documents. A wizard will appear with the amount of space for the partition, also being the maximum space available for it. Give the drive letter and (optionally) a name and click Finish to complete the partition creation.
Your newly created partition will appear in the file explorer and ready for use.
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How To Delete A Partition Using Disk Management?
1.Open Start
2.Search For Disk Management.
3.Select The Drive With The Partition You Want To Remove.
4.Right-Click (Only) the Partition You Want To Remove And Select The Delet Volume Option.
How Do I Delete And Create A Partition In Windows 10?
The Select Control Panel
Click On System And Security
Chose Administrative Tools
And Then Double Click Computer Management.
In The Left Pane, Under Storage, Select Disk Management. Right Click An Unallocated Region On Your Hard Disk And then Select New Simple Volume.
How Do I Manage Partitions In Linux?
Follow The Steps Below To Partition. Run The Fllowing Command.
Step#1. List Existing Partition. Run the Folloing Command to List All Existing Partitions: Sudo Fdisk
Step#2. Select Storage Disk
Step#3. Create A New Partition
Step#4. Write On Disk.